ABOUT THE TITLE: 'Black Widow' this word is taken from the black widow spider (female spider) which kills its mate (male spider) after being fertilized, in common terms we use this word to refer to a woman who marries someone and kills him just to get his wealth. Even if you search the entire Oxford dictionary, even if you scan the entire internet you can never ever get a more suitable phrase to describe Sonia Gandhi.

With my little knowledge over English I can't even think of some bad words to describe her, the bad words that I know are limited to bad personalities of a certain extent, Sonia Gandhi has crossed that extent where I can't even find words to degrade her.

If I relate my previous post on Jawaharlal Nehru then she can be referred as 'The Second Worst Disaster To Hit India After Independence' and 'The First Worst Disaster To Hit Modern India'

The way in which she has affected Indian economy badly will take at least 13-15 years for its recovery even with a hard-working Prime Minister like Narendra Modi, and if by any miracle PAPPU (Rahul Gandhi) becomes our next Prime Minister (or after the 2024 elections) mark my words India will collapse economically, and we should know by then that it is a signal sent from God telling us to work hard till we burst our asses and get out of this country at any cost.

Most of us hate her, but very few know 'why'.
Most of us know she has effected this country badly, but very few know 'how'
This 'how' and 'why' can clear many things about the current situation of India.


Again,this section is dedicated to those Alia Bhats, and those who have an entire hour to watch shows like Roadies and doesn't even have 15mins to watch the news or to read newspapers (trust me it won't kill you).


Sonia Gandhi (Born 9th December 1946 in Edvige  ) is an Italian-born Indian politician, who has served as President of the Indian National Congress party since 1998.She is the widow of former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi who belonged to the Nehru–Gandhi family. After her husband's assassination in 1991, she was invited by Congress leaders to take over the government but she refused and publicly stayed away from politics amidst constant prodding from the party.She finally agreed to join politics in 1997; in 1998, she was elected President of the Congress 

I had a good laugh seeing the Wikipedia page, now let us know the reality.


Antonia Albina Màino who uses her fake name Sonia Gandhi in India was born on 9th December 1946 in Luciana (Spain, she has even faked her birthplace).Being the President of Congress party since 1998 she has been getting served by all the members of Congress. This power hungry and money hungry woman was involved in the killing of her own husband, The former Prime Minister of India (by the look of it this may seem unlikely but it's the truth I'll explain this later ), after getting her husband killed in 1991, she forced the Congress to make her the Prime Minister but the Congress leaders didn't accept this, after years of forcing and shedding crocodile tears she was finally elected as President of Congress Party after which she started sucking the wealth of this country in every possible way.


The guy who Sonia Gandhi claims to be her father named Stefano Maino was held captive by the Nazi Army for two years after the second world war, he was released from the Russian jail when he accepted to serve for them. After this, he started calling Antonia Maino as Sonia (which is a Russian name )

As far as the second name Gandhi is concerned it has become the brand name for getting votes for Nehru family, after she got married to Rajiv Gandhi she added the second name, Gandhi
The Irony is that even though Gandhi is not related to any of the members of Nehru family we blame Gandhi on a daily basis.

On a lighter note I think Nehru knew that any product that comes from his sperm will not do any good for the country, so in order to protect his own name he gave his future generations the name of Gandhi thereby making the people forget it is his grandchildren and great-grandchildren who have ruined this country's future. Gandhi was Bali ka Bakra in this case.


I guess even the mystery of Bermuda triangle will be solved one day but we can never find out the mystery behind Sonia Gandhi's birth.

Why do I say that?

Sonia Gandhi in her documents claims that her father is Stefano Maino.Let us assume it to be true.

What is Sonia Gandhi's date of birth:
9th December 1946

When did world war 2 end?
September 1945

Where was her father after the war?
Held captive by Nazi Army.

For how long was he held captive?
For around 2 years.

Now again when was Sonia Gandhi Born?
9th December 1946.

(If you still didn't get it Disney telecasts a great show named Doraemon go watch it )

Read this if you didn't get it, Subtract 12 months from the date of birth of Sonia Gandhi, result = 9th December 1945, where was her father during this time?. Nazi's prison. Now in my high-school biology has taught me that after having an unprotected sexual intercourse the female will reproduce within 7-11 months, the math is above.

If she still claims that Stefano Maino is her father then congrats to this world it has got its 8th wonder which was born with a teleporting sperm

It is a great shame to our country that we have let someone rule our country for over a decade who have no idea who her father is.



She claims that she was born in Orbassano(Italy), according to the biodata produced to Parliament on becoming the MP, but her birth certificate tells a different story that she was born in Luciana (Spain).

Why did she fake her birthplace?

Because her birthplace would reveal the connection of her father with Nazis, and this would affect her politically


In her sworn-affidavit filed as a contesting candidate in the 2004 Lok Sabha Elections, she had mentioned that she had a diploma in English from the Cambridge University.But according to Dr Subramanian Swamy's research the Cambridge University clearly said there was no such student who had studied in the Cambridge University, the written document from the Cambridge University stating that 'she never was a student in their university' was produced before the court, for which she replied that it was a typing mistake and after that she removed it from her bio-data
I think she should be named in the book of Guinness world record for making the longest typing mistake ever.

Her only educational qualification was going to a Catholic nun-run seminary school called Maria Ausiliatrice in Giaveno.(Not even equivalent to SSLC)

People in India always have a false notion that people from US, UK or any other country (who looks white) are dignified and comes from a good background( it's human nature), but you should know that there are also people like Sonia Gandhi whose background is worst than the background of Indian beggars.


Well she had mentioned in her bio-data that she got her Diploma in Cambridge University and she lived in the UK for 5 years, but as we have already discussed she has no degree, but she lived in the UK for 5 years. Now the main question is if she was not studying during these 5 years what was she doing in UK?

After moving to the UK she first joined an English Learning Course in the Cambridge Street (not university ), to learn English so that she can work in waitressing jobs, bar dancing jobs  and cleaning jobs etc

The migrants who entered the UK often ended up in waitress jobs, bar dancer job, cleaning jobs or ending up as prostitutes, Sonia Gandhi ended up being a bar dancer (let us take a moment to thank God if that's the only job she had with such a money hungry mentality).


During 1965 Rajiv Gandhi joined the Cambridge University, he often used to visit the bar that Sonia Gandhi was working in, they started liking each other (the reason why she liked him was that he was a rich and powerful Bali ka Bakra of India). Due to academic pressures in Cambridge University he discontinued his studies and moved to London and joined Imperial College of Engineering, along with him Sonia Gandhi also moved to London.
Sonia Gandhi got a job in an outfit run by a Pakistani named Salman Thassir, where she made many friends like Madhavrao Scindia and others during this period

Even though Indira Gandhi opposed Sonia Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi got married in a London's church after which Indira Gandhi had no other option but to accept this marriage but they fooled the Indian Citizens by getting married again in India saying that it was an arranged marriage.


Any foreigner who wishes to be a citizen of India should first renounce their citizenship in other countries, in other words, one cannot be a citizen of both India and another country

But in her application requesting for Indian Citizenship when asked about the renunciation of her citizenship from other countries she had written NOT APPLICABLE, as Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister at that time Sonia Gandhi was given Indian Citizenship without even questioning.

The Indian Home Ministry can inspect this matter anytime and if there is any suspicious documents provided or if she had not filled the application properly the government can cancel the citizenship at any time.( I have no idea to whom she has blackmailed in this government )

Now, this means that she is still a citizen of Italy.The idea is to make the entire court procedures complicated if she gets caught on any of the many scams that she has made, as dragging a citizen of other country requires additional procedures and with her money she can even buy entire Italy, if government of Italy stands firm, then the issue should be dragged to international Court of Justice after that high Court proceedings would take place after that Supreme Court proceedings would take place. Which will take 15-20 years considering her present age she would be dead by that time.


A Swiss magazine released a list of top world leaders who had money in the Swiss account in 1991, According to this Rajiv Gandhi had $2 billion in his account, and the only beneficiary who would get all the money after his death was Sonia Gandhi (with Sanjay Gandhi and Indira Gandhi already dead )

This is how the money flowed after the death of the members of Gandhi family

Sanjay Gandhi -> Indira Gandhi -> Rajiv Gandhi ->Sonia Gandhi

So, who was benefited at the end?
Sonia Gandhi

According to Dr. Swamy, the beneficiary is always the first suspect.

Even though these are just allegations without any proof, one cannot deny that she was never properly investigated even though she was a suspect


We all know that Indian antiques have a great value in the international market (especially in England), Sonia Gandhi used her power in India to smuggle these antiques to Italy, where they are displayed in her sister's (Anustha) antique shops named: Etnica and Ganpati.

Now if we think logically who will view Indian antiques in countries like Italy? No one. These shops are used to make fake bills so that these antiques can be exported to London(where Indian antiques have great value ) for auction.

This shameless woman has earned crores and crores of money by this stealing business.


There's nothing much to analyze here I will copy paste what Dr. Swamy has said about it.

"I told you that her father was in jail. Rajiv Gandhi & his family were a regular recipient of  KGB money & they are paid through a company set up by a family. Its all written in Dr. Yevgenia Albats, book, (   shes noted Russian scholar and journalist, and was a member of the KGB Commission set up by President Yeltsin in August 1991.) She was privy to the Soviet intelligence files that documented these deals and KGB facilitation of the same. In her book, "The State within a State, The KGB in the Soviet Union", she even gives the file numbers of such intelligence files, which can now be accessed by any Indian government through a formal request to the Kremlin.  The Russian Government in 1992 was confronted by the Albats' disclosure; they confirmed it through their official spokesperson to the press [which was published in Hindu in 1992], defending such financial payments as necessary in "Soviet ideological interest".1 When the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, things changed for Ms. Sonia Gandhi. Her patrons evaporated. The rump that became Russia was in a financial mess and disorder. So Ms. Sonia Gandhi became a supporter of another communist country to the annoyance of the Russians.  In December 2001, I had filed a Written Petition in the Delhi High Court with the photocopies of the KGB documents and sought a CBI investigation, but govt of India refused to register FIR against her & did not issue a letter of rogatory to get the original documents from Russian govt.   That’s why my case was failed. That case can be revised anytime. There is prima-facie evidence, is for her to prove/ disprove*



1. IPO – Demat Scam (2005) – Rs. 146 Cr
2. Scorpene Submarine Scam (2005) – Rs. 18,978 Cr
3. Punjab City Center Scam (2006) – Rs. 1500 Cr
4. Hassan Ali Khan Tax Default (2008) – Rs. 20,000 Cr
5. Satyam Scam (2008) – Rs. 10,000 Cr
6. Army Ration Scam (2008) – Rs. 5,000 Cr
7. 2G Spectrum Scam (2008) – Rs. 1,76,000 Cr
8. State Bank of Saurashtra Scam – Rs. 95 Cr
9. Jharkhand Rural Health Scam (2008) – Rs. 130 Cr
10. Rice Export Scam (2009) – Rs. 2,500 Cr
11. Orissa Mine Scam (2009) – Rs. 7,000 Cr
12. Madhu Koda illegal assets scam (2009) – Rs. 4,000 Cr
13. Commonwealth Games Scam (2010) – Rs. 70,000 cr
14. IPL Cricket Scam
15. Adarsh Society Scam
16. Kerosene Adulteration Scam
17.ISRO scam


It is approximately Rs. 910, 603, 234, 300, 000.

Well, even I have no idea how to read this number but I know that if this money comes back to India there is no one that can stop India from becoming a superpower (provided that we have a good governance )

So this is all about the black widow, it is because of politicians like her Indian youth had lost faith in Indian politicians, thank God that her era is over.

Thanks to Dr. Subramanian Swamy who has exposed every detail about Sonia Gandhi, everything I've written is based on his facts.


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